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Muscle Through Menopause

Engage in 8 weeks of community, and clean living


Presented by Coach Deb Peters

Join this 8-week group-based course, and learn the

best lifestyle shifts for this stage of life


Week 1 - Lifestyle

  • Sleep

  • Stress and stress management

  • Mental & Emotional Health

  • Toxins: internal & external

  • Daily routine

  • Time in nature

  • ME time


Week 2— Nutrition: key practices

  • J.E.R.F. - Just Eat Real Food

  • Getting enough protein

  • Eating fruits & vegetables

  • Paying attention to what you drink

  • Eat slowly and chewing your food

  • Portion sizes

  • Snacking


Week 2 - MOVE your body

  • Incorporate strength training appropriate to your fitness level

  • Proper form

  • Appropriate weight

  • Compound moves

  • Plyometrics

  • Frequency & Intensity 

  • Stretching 

  • Pelvic floor exercises

  • Increase daily movement, - non-exercise activities 


Week 4 - Mindset 

  • Your inner voice-negative self talk

  • Fixed vs growth mindset

  • Comparison

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